Tips for Effective Running Workouts


Running workouts are one of the least expensive (and most fun) ways of getting in shape. Running outside for cardio is a good way to enjoy outdoors while losing weight; and is excellent for your cardiovascular health. Learn how to maximize weight loss results with your run workouts.

How you can burn fat with running workouts?

Create a calorie deficit

The only way to burn fat is to create a calorie deficit. This is because you need to burn fat by allowing your body to use fat stored in your body as a form of energy. Running can help you do so, as running burns a lot of calories. You’ll burn about 600 calories an hour from each running workout. The rest of the calories you need to burn by eating less consistently.

Here’s a great tip: do not take any form of calories an hour before and after exercising. This allows maximum fat burn by making your body use fat as energy while working out and to recover after the session.

Intensity is key


To burn the most fat, your running needs to be intense. One of the best ways to do so is to incorporate interval training methods into your running. A simple way I found to run intervals is to play the street-pole/light game. You start by walking from the first pole to the next, you then run at a moderate pace to the next pole and sprint to the pole after that. Repeat the sequence on your whole route and you will be burning a lot of fat.

More Tips

Here’s a few tips to make sure you do your best in your run workouts:

Choose your location safely


There are numerous places which you can run, some of them include indoor on a treadmill, in a gym with an indoor running track, athletics running course, schools or parks. Just make sure that the area that you choose for your run is safe and secure.

On the health side, it is best to avoid inhaling smoke and other forms of pollution to run more effectively. I prefer running in parks to avoid all the heat and smoke coming from cars.

Stay on the safe side

If you run outside and want to explore areas maybe you have not been to, wear brightly colored clothes when you run. Also keep a few emergency items in your backpack or small bag, including a torch, some bandages, antiseptic cream and your emergency contact details. And always be alert when you do your running workouts to prevent accidents.

...Better safe than sorry, right?

Running can be a great way to burn calories and lose weight along with a calorie deficit in your diet. To perform your best and enjoy your running, make sure you are safe and focused in getting your workout done properly.

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